Sahara is the forerunners of the next generation of acoustic panels. A good acoustic treatment lies in the correct ratio between absorption and diffusion. Sahara combines both without changing its seamless organic pattern, allowing you to fully embrace the architectural style of your space without worrying about different panel placement. Sahara Absorber is available in a tasteful selection of lacquered finishes.
Type: Absorber
Absorption Range:
315 Hz to 5000 Hz
Acoustic Class:
C | (aw) = 0,7
– RT reduction
– Flutter echo control
– Reducing excessive reverberation
– Improving speech intelligibility
A new league of acoustic treatments
Recommended for
FG | Furniture Grade
Sahara | Lacquered HMDF (FG)
– Lacquered HMDF
– Marine Grade Plywood Structural Frame
– Calibrated Cell Acoustic Foam
Range | Dimensions:
Sahara – Absorber | 595x595x63mm
Sahara Doble H – Absorber | 1190x595x63mm
Sahara Doble V – Absorber | 595x1190x63mm